The Waterfalls of Iguazú

There are impressions which cannot be described by words because we are not really able to perceive them fully with our senses. The waterfalls of Iguazú at the border between Argentina and Brasil are definitely like this.

They are the biggest waterfalls on earth. On a length of 2.7 km there are 20 bigger and 255 smaller falls with a height of up to 80 m.
But all these facts and figures cannot reflect the impression and atmosphere created by this special place.

Surrounded by sub-tropical rainforest the different waterfalls find their way through rich green of many different shades. The blue sky offers a beautiful contrast and in that moment when these masses of water thouch the ground a spray of millions of drops appears creating rainbows over rainbows with the sun.
The colours are so clear and wherever you look is movement. Also the sound of the water is omnipresent. Sometimes it is like a burble but much more often like a thunder.


Three days we spent at these waterfalls, which are declared as world natural heritage by the UNESCO.

The first day we were on the Brazilian side. With the bigger distance from here one can see the the whole panorama better. And besides all the other visitors the cute coatis were always with us looking for food.

The other two days we spent on the Argentinian side.  Well-maintained walking trails offered many different perspectives on and beautiful pictures of the waterfalls. Incredible beautiful were also the colorful butterflies everywhere.

To see the waterfalls from the bottom we joined a tour in a speedboat. And in deed we went really under some of the falls. A nice but very wet pleasure.

But without any question the ultimate highlight was the "Devil's Throat"  (Garganta del Diablo). A long path bridging the water leads to this mighty place. The closer you get the louder is the thunder of the water until the water falls down in a 150 m wide semcircle. Spray is rising up like smoke and creates rainbows again and again.

We could not get enough of it. A very special place which left a deep impression.

Whose of you, who want to see more go to this video 🎥